Saturday, April 14, 2018

Bitcoin: The Harder The Fall, The Higher The Rise

ELEVENNEWS WANITA INDONESIA-IFS - The cryptocurrency market has fallen under intense pressure during Q1 of 2018, with Bitcoin down just over 50% from the start of the year. Many Altcoins have also seen their fair share of declines, with the biggest losers correcting upwards of 90% from all-time highs. Q1 was packed with action and drama including exchange hacks, exchange suspensions, increased regulation from China, Mt. Gox Bitcoin selling, tax talks, and SEC meetings in the United States. Uncertainty flooded the market due to these events with many cryptocurrency investors unsure if governments would ban cryptocurrencies outright, or...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunscreen Protect Your Healthy Skin Cells from Damages

wanitaindonesia-ifs - Protect your skin with a sunscreen from free radicals due to direct exposure to UVA can damage millions of healthy cells in the epidermal layer. Exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA) is bad for the skin. Especially for those who move outside the room from 09:00 until 15:00. Free radicals from UV rays can damage millions of healthy cells in the epidermal layer. UVA exposure is unavoidable, the free radicals was not easily eradicated, but you can counteract the attacks that harm the skin with proper care. The simplest steps to protect the skin from adverse effects of free radicals is the routine use of moisturizers and sunscreens. Moisturizer...

Lack of Social Relationship Can Worsen Your Health

wanitaindonesia-ifs - Social relationships influence the physical condition of the person concerned. According to the editor of Scientific American Mind, Ingrid Wickelgren, Tuesday (24/4), the heart pain arising in social relations or the physical pain associated with the brain called the anterior cortex singulat. This means that the heart pains affects the physical condition of. The study, published earlier this year showed, the social ties built with family and friends reduce the risk of death in young women with breast cancer and improve the vitality of postoperative cardiac patients. Conversely, lack of social relationships can exacerbate...

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