Friday, April 08, 2011

Don't Drink Coffee after You're Eating

After lunch or a delicious dinner was more complete when the end with a cup of delicious coffee. However, researchers from the University of Guelph in Canada warns that drinking coffee after eating fatty foods can increase blood sugar levels up to two-fold.
Apparently, fat affects the body's ability to produce insulin and distribute it to the muscles that trigger blood sugar rises to the level of potentially dangerous.

"Finally we found that fatty and caffeinated coffee could damage the communication between the intestine and pancreas, which can cause we can not clean the sugar from the body easily," said study author, Marie-Soleil Beaudoin.

The research team found that those who drank two cups of caffeinated coffee drinks five hours after digesting fatty foods will find that his blood sugar levels 32 percent higher than those who do not eat fatty foods or beverages. In subsequent testing, showed that blood sugar levels increased by 65 percent compared to when the respondent does not digest fat and caffeinated coffee.

"We have known for years that people with type two diabetes risk should limit their caffeine intake. However, when limiting the intake of saturated fats found in red meat, processed meat, and fast food, and to select the non-caffeine coffee, it can improve glucose tolerance, "said Marie-Soleil.

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7 komentar:

Lora Malunk said...

Wih...wih....Boleh join ni Kopinya.......memang kopi itu termasuk minum yg bisa melancarkan energi otak untuk berfikir lebih lancar lagi, Contohnya seperti Lora Malunk aja, kalo ngk minum kopi sehari aja, rasanya pikirin untuk memunculkan ide yg lebih kreatif lagi tuh agak sulit, nah dengan adanya kopi tuh, akhirnya saya bisa berkomentar disini, :)):)):))oke deh sukses buat Wanita Indonesia...

Alifia said...

Saya juga suka kopi jika rasa kantuk mulai menyerang.... :)
Apalagi disaat jam-jam kantor waktu dimana kita harus fresh dan tidak loyo...

Nice Post "I Like"

ailyn said...

wow..i really like this the kind of person who drinks coffee after meals..and now i know that it has a bad side effects

Anonymous said...

Interesting article, no coffee after a meal, because otherwise the blood sugar level increases, Thanks for this valuable information

Aceh Software Store said...

ini nih kalo setelah makan minum kopi bikin darah kita naik sobat dan kadar gula dalam darah akan lebih tinggi sehingga hypertensi dan dan stroke lebih cepat menghadang kita namun kopi untuk bayi yang menderita step lebih di anjurkan untuk diberi minum kopi

asuransioke said...

Interesting article, Thanks for this valuable information, vst back brother to my blog hehehe..., pls

hanifan said...

baru tau ane. makasih infonya :)

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