Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Early Cervical Cancer Detection with the Pap smear and Kolposkopy

In the United States, each woman aged 35 years and over have a 2-3 fold risk for suffering from the mouth of womb cancer (cervical) and changes the cells in the mouth of the womb or Cervical Dysplasia. Papanicolaou or Pap smear test, regularly campained in 1990's by organization Doctors of the Obstetric and Gynecology, research shows a decrease complications and increase life expectancy with early detection through pap smear.

What is Pap smear?

Pap smear is examinations to caress the mouth of the womb to see the mouth of the cell-cell matrix (cervical) under the microscope.

Pap smear is a screening test to detect early changes in cervical or abnormality before cells become cancerous. Examination was conducted on the special gynecologist examination chair. Sample cells are taken from outside and from serviks den serviks with stroke with a spatula made of wood or plastic materials. After the sweep is done, a cytobrush (small fluffy brush to take cells serviks) is inserted to make a sweep in the canal serviks. After that, the cells are placed in a glass object (glass objects) and sprayed with oxygen to memfiksasi, or placed in a vial containing preservative substances, and then sent to a laboratory to be examined.

Pap smear examination is not recommended in pregnant women, women who consume drugs or pills. You should avoid intercourse, tampon use, vagina's pill , or take a bath in bath tub, for 24 hours before the examination, to avoid 'contamination' in the vagina that can disrupt the examination. Pap smear examination should be avoided when menstruation, because blood and cells from inside the womb can interfere with the accuracy of pap smear results. Empty your bladder before the examination. Use of certain drugs should be avoided because it can affect the results of pap smear, as Colchicine, estrogen, Silver Nitrate, oxygen-oxygen in the composition of cigarettes.

Why Pap smear needs to be done?

Pap smear can detect cancer and conditions pre cancer in serviks. Biopsy (the network) serviks generally done when the pap smear when there are indications a significant difference, or if the deviation is found during routine checks in, to identify the difference. Results revealed a positive pap smear, if the show changes serviks cells. Biopsy (the network) may not need to be done immediately, unless you are in the high risk category. For the minor cell changes, usually recommended to repeat the pap smear in 6 months.

Normal pap smear results show negative results, namely the absence of cells that serviks abnormal. While the results of abnormal pap smear results were divided into 3 main areas:

1. Benign (not cancer), doctors generally give you therapy infection and as you ask you to do the control back in 4-6 months to repeat the pap smear; OR just back control only.

2. Precancer (showing some abnormal cell changes), usually reported as a "cell atipik" or displasia serviks. You will be encouraged to do the examination and biopsy kolposkopy. Less than 5% of pap smear dysplasia serviks find. Although up to this time, it is not yet known, several risk factors have been identified, namely: sex partner more than one, starting sexual activity before age 18 years, had a child before age 16 years, suffering from Sexual diseases (STDs), especially HIV infection or Human Papilloma Virus.

3. Malignant (possibly cancerous)

What is Kolposkopy ?

Kolposkopy examination is to see the surface serviks by entering the "binoculars" kolposkop called to burrow in the vagina. This microscope uses a low-strength surface seviks increase up to 10-40 times the size of normal. This enlargement help identify areas of the surface serviks show abnormalitas

Kolposkopy examination conducted on the examination gynecologist table. On kolposkopy, serviks wiped with a chemical solution (acid acetate) to obviate mucus that covers the surface serviks. Once the area looks abnormal, kolposkop positioned in the mouth, vagina and the entire surface is examined. Serviks surface image can be documented with a camera is small. If the abnormal area is found, the sample will be taken to the network using a small tool Biopsy. Some samples can be taken according to the size of the abnormality area.

There is no special preparation before kolposkopy. Before the examination, you are asked to empty the bladder and digested channel. You do not recommended for washing vagina with liquids, or make any sexual relationship in the 24 hours before the examination.

Results Kolposkopy the normal form of a flat surface serviks and pink. Results Kolposkopi the abnormal form of "growth" in the region serviks (human papilloma virus), changes in network precancer, dysplasia serviks, cruelty and the invasive violence in serviks. Kolposkopy can be used for monitoring of the aberration precancer and see the development of therapeutics. Kolposkopy can see the pattern of abnormal blood vessel, The speck-The speck of white on serviks, inflammation, erosion or pengerutan network serviks. All this shows the changes cancer. If the examination or kolposkopy Biopsy not indicate abnormality the cause of the Pap smear, it is recommended to make the network more widely.

The speck little bleeding can occur for 1 week after the examination. Avoid sexual relations, shaving vagina, and the use of tampon for 2 weeks to provide an opportunity for Biopsy wound healed. If bleeding occurs, or quite a lot going for more than 2 weeks, or if you experience signs of infection (fever, fluid vagina smelly and muddy color), immediately consult with the doctor again. Given the effectiveness of Pap smear and a very high Kolposkopy for early detection and changes in cell serviks the risk is very low, to flee the screening examination, according to the suggestion of the doctor Obstetric and Gynecology.

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