Sunday, September 05, 2010

French Manicure : do yourself at home

In this age of frugality, why not do yourself French manicure at home? Easy, really.

Not nice it would be like showing off the beauty of the diamond on your fingers without nails beautiful appearance comes in French manicure manicure is elegant.

French manicure is usually done in three color options: pale pink, beige (cream), or nodes, with a white tip (white tips). Do it in the morning or late afternoon when you're relaxing to a more perfect outcome.

 • Scrub & hand lotion
 • filings
 • cuticle scissors
 • Sticks of wood to push the cuticle
 • Nail Scissors (optional)
 • Base coat and top coat
 • white nail polish to the tip of the nail
 • nail polish pink / beige

  1. Use a scrub to smooth skin on the hands before starting work on nails. Soak hands in warm water, dry with a towel and then use hand moisturizer. If you wear nail polish, remove clean before immersing.
  2. Cut your nails according to your taste, shape oval or straight.
  3. The form on the left and right with the filings said, following the natural shape of your finger. For the French manicure, the ideal length of about 3 mm from the tip of the nail.
  4. Apply a cuticle and push drugs to the rear with the driving tool cuticle made of wooden handle.
  5. Cuticle scissors remaining cuticle with special scissors. Be careful not to cut your fingers.
  6. Apply base coat to smooth and protect the surface of the nail, then apply pink or cream nail polish to the basic color. Repeat again after the first coat to dry completely.
  7. Make sure you sit with a comfortable position before beginning to draw the tip of your nails with white polish. Start from the end and then connect in the middle, following the natural curve of your nail.
  8. After the end of the nail is dry, apply a topcoat to keep long-lasting nail polish and protect it from scratches. After 10 minutes, apply a second coat to nail more shining and give extra protection.
 In order for maximum results as the expert, is also equipped with the following equipment.
 * Removal polish
 In the form of pen (polish-remover pen) is very useful to tidy and clean without damaging the nail polish nail polish in French nails
 * Manicure kit
 Which is available in stores, usually equipped with a sticker to form the white tips. Useless as a guide so that the outcome neat nail polish brushes. Do not forget to remove the sticker after the nail polish to dry completely.
 * Nail-whitening pencil
 This pencil can be used to create the effect of brilliant white on the nail with the white color gives way beneath your fingernails. Suitable for you who can not wait to use nail polish.
 * Instant nail dryer
 Spray bottle makes it practical to use.
 * Nail polish-art
 With a pointy brush can help you draw the ideal shape.

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8 komentar:

Fanda said...

Waduh...aku udah gak ada waktu deh manikur-an. Dulu memang suka gonta-ganti cat kuku, tp lama2 merasa gak praktis aja karena jadinya malah takut catnya mengelupas. Gak lincah gitu!

Wanita Indonesia-IFS said...

@ Fanda : gak ada salahnya sis, cobain sendiri French Manicure ini, asli gampang loh...

narti said...

perawatan sih iya, tapi gak sampai detail...hehe...maklum di rumah cserabutan... :)

Wanita Indonesia-IFS said...

@ mba narti : gak ada salahnya nyobain ini french manicure mba, kurang lebih 30-40 menit selesai kok

Dunia Wanita Indonesia said...

sepakat, dengan rajin melakukan pedicure kuku jadi terawat
thanks yah sis untuk infonya

Blognya Lucu-lucu haha said...

keliatannya bagus nih buat cewek gue :d:

joanna said...

wahh..saya paling rajin meni pedi di rumah sendiri, daripada ke salon..hehe..saya suka yg warnanya pale pink itu :) kesannya kalem banget..salam kenal ya

Wanita Indonesia-IFS said...

@ all : makasih dah comment yah... :f:

saya dah sering cobain nih, meski awalnya agak repot :l:, eh lama-lama asyik loh pedicure sendiri :b:

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