If it's not the right time to realize your dream of continuing education, rest assured one day will surely come the right time. The key, believes that you, women who have many roles, also can develop themselves through education, both formal and informal education.
Kompas Female meet a number of women from the young and elderly who have a proven tenacity was educated. Busyness, both within the profession as well as other roles as mother or wife in the family, did not dampen the spirit of these women to continue to develop themselves.
Mooryati Soedibyo (83) decided to return to the academic world by the year 2003 coincided with his candidacy as a member of DPD RI from Jakarta Province. At that time he turn 74 years. The decision to follow a lecture again in Koktoral Program Management Sciences, University of Indonesia conveyed through joint meetings to five children. Family meeting which was also a moment to discuss the next generation of his family business. In 2007, Mooryati successfully completed and obtained his doctoral dissertation in the middle of a busy life at that time still was President Director of Mustika Ratu.
Mooryati persistence in developing themselves through formal education has become the driving spirit of many young women. Among them, women who had the title of Miss Indonesia. Call it Valerina Daniel (runner up Puteri Indonesia 2005), Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames (Miss Indonesia 2010), and Alessandra Usman Khadijah (Second runner up Puteri Indonesia 2010).
'The spirit of Mrs. Moor to complete education in doctoral programs provide inspiration for me to continue to develop themselves. I am compelled to take the S2 Program Communications and Media Studies, Monash University, Australia, 'said Daniel Valerina, when the dissertation discussion hosted by Dr. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo which will be booked titled "Succession Leadership Summit (CEO) Company Family Mustika Ratu Tbk, on Wednesday (12 / 1 / 2011) and in Jakarta. Valerina managed to get a master's scholarship through the Australian Leadership Awards Program.
Sandra, Alessandra close calls, also recognizes the enormous impact the success of other women in the path of formal education. In this case, Mooryati be inspirational figure in the development of self and the spirit of learning.
Obtained a bachelor's degree from Bandung Institute of Technology does not necessarily stop the spirit of Sandra to develop themselves. Looking ahead, the women's 21-year plan to continue their education to achieve a master's degree business. America is a country that chooses to realize that desire.
Another with Nadine. Develop a personal quality to him not to go through formal education. The spirit to keep on learning of his predecessors in Puteri Indonesia inspired her to continue to grow. Film student from Bath Spa University, England, is feeling more comfortable and free to learn from experience. The film world into a container that will hold digelutinya learning. However, Nadine still have to keep these desires because they still have to carry the responsibility and role as Puteri Indonesia.
'I prefer to education outside the school. Field films more practice in the field. It would be easy to learn if accompanied do something, 'he said.
Nadine was a country called America will be chosen to study film masters level in education both formal and informal learning with experts in the field.
These women are hungry for knowledge and do not want to stop while there is a chance to develop themselves. Once jugakah you?
source : female kompas
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